Contemporary Apprehension

 While looking at artist Sunga Park’s painting I immediately felt intrigued and entangled within the aesthetically pleasing nature of watercolour which she has achieved by using the minimalistic style of painting and generating a fluid affect with colour blending into the background. What makes this piece of Sunga Park so special is the hidden message that architecture has no boundaries or limitations. It is the imagination of people and how they feel about it and so is not supposed to be restricted by realistic architecture colours. 

In order to entirely engage my audience, I have used sublime tones and creative responses to create an atmosphere where my audience can feel a freedom of expression. I have also created a mixed media study of a temple out of acrylic and dry pastels which is located in Islamabad (saidpur village).

The basic building blocks of all architecture are bricks and form an essential part of all buildings as they are made of inexhaustible, earthy and natural building material that is eco-friendly, durable, and offers permanence. My painting constitutes of a detailed brick study that I did to explore its texture and surface and capture it’s roughness which I’ve depicted through an art of watercolour and a mixed media study.


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