Digital Distortion

 To me, the most integral medium of depicting human emotions is through facial expressions. The core message of my work, which is my own portrait digitally manipulated, elaborates on the importance of these very emotions. Emotions that are adaptations playing a fundamental role in the most basic and inherent aspect of our lives: Survival. These emotions govern most of our actions and aid us in identifying when a change is necessary. A lack of understanding of basic human emotion can result in development of depression and low self-esteem which in-turn causes internal conflict, unhappiness, and rage. Each of which is represented by my subject's face.

These digital images represent the comparison drawn between identity, taking puzzle pieces for a face and mixing and matching it into place indicating how things are put in places where they may not fit into. This demonstrates the challenges faced while settling into a society and dealing with social pressures.

My work displays a unique relation of human beings with the natural world and how we transform the natural environment around us. We as humans feel content as we grow affiliation towards nature and start finding our lost connection with the world around us. My aim is to demonstrate the indispensable link between humans and nature.


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