Nature Representation

 This work has been inspired by a renowned artist 'Josy'. Her work greatly inspires me as it not only illustrates the grandeur of the earth's landscape and terrain but also captures the physical and spiritual essence of the natural world and each of her drawings depicts a different aspect and perspective. After drawing this piece of art I have started looking at the world from a whole new perspective.

This work portrays the deep love for nature that I have harbored ever since my early childhood years. Love that has evolved into textural layers of paint and a contrast of diverse shapes and colors on my canvas. My country, Pakistan, has an abundance of picturesque landscapes which has inspired me to study and explore various aesthetic elements as well as the staggering beauty of nature and the splendor of the Earth's terrain.

My painting contains various slopes and forms that portray a perspective of a perfect landscape and its presence in the present day when the global threat of climate change looms over the world. My country Pakistan, is specifically one of the very first nations suffering the consequences that have materialized in the form of floods recently.


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